Tuesday, August 28, 2007

General Observation

I noticed that no one posts comments on my site like “Boy, cute kids” or “Nice pic of the Grand Canyon” like I see on a lot of other blog sites. No biggie. Just something I noticed . . . and keep noticing.


Jared and Melissa said...

oh, he's adorable!!! Its obvious a stand-in was used for his rear though.

Mom said...

Big whoop. I once dumped a whole bucket of sand right in the middle of a living room.

Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

I'll tell you what's nice...maybe later when you get home. Wink, wink.

Jared and Melissa said...

Where's your next post? You've got people waiting you know.

Heather said...

Very intersting. I never thought of that before. Very cute kids, though.