A lot of people requested to see the results on these two:

Would produce the following:

Don't let those two together.
Here's another:

Would produce the following child:

Not bad. He's got April's body (tied up in his basement).
And finally, the one everyone is wondering about (What's next?):

Would produce the following child:

Looks about right.
Remember to go to www.whatexactlywouldtheirkidslooklike.science.org and try out other scenarios for yourself.
Where do you find those? I think the kid projector should have switched Scott's and Derek's product with April's and Melissa's. Ours is dead on. In fact...is that Mitchell?
I think that is a picture of your Dad, not Mitchell! Very interesting...
Vey Cute!!!! I am glad that I haven't shown up on this thing.
I actually really do think that the baby on the bottom looks like Tom Tree's kids.
your kid looks exactly like Tom's kids!
oh. nice one april.
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